Funny Expression to Describe a Gay Guy

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Gay Men Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gay-men" Showing 1-30 of 59
Jess C. Scott
"I suppose it'southward not a social norm, and not a manly affair to practise — to experience, discuss feelings. And then that's what I'm giving the finger to. Social norms and stuff…what good are social norms, really? I think all they exercise is project a limited and harmful image of people. It thus impedes a broader social acceptance of what someone, or a group of people, might actually be like."
Jess C Scott, New Guild

E.M. Forster
"I am an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort."
Eastward.M. Forster, Maurice

Marie Sexton
"Jared?" His fingers were playing gently in my curls.
"Yeah?" I was more than than halfway asleep, perfectly warm and content, back in my own bed. With him.
"Say it for me."
"You're heavy."
"You're a manipulative bastard."
"No." He was laughing.
"Y'all're correct."
He gave one difficult tug on my pilus. "That'due south non it either."
"I beloved yous?"
He sighed contentedly. "That's the one."
Marie Sexton, Promises

E.M. Forster
"I was determined that in fiction anyway 2 men should fall in honey and remain in it for the ever and ever that fiction allows."
E.M. Forster

Tomasz Jedrowski
"The odds had been stacked confronting us from the start: we had no transmission, no 1 to show usa the way. Not i example of a happy couple made up of boys. How were we supposed to know what to practice? Did we even believe that we deserved to get away with happiness?"
Tomasz Jedrowski, Swimming in the Dark

Edward Carpenter
"That men of this kind despise women, though a not uncommon conventionalities, is one which hardly appears to exist justified. Indeed, though naturally not inclined to 'fall in love' in this direction, such men are by their nature drawn rather near to women, and it would seem that they oft experience a singular appreciation and agreement of the emotional needs and destinies of the other sex, leading in many cases to a genuine though what is called 'Ideal' friendship. In that location is petty doubt that they are oft instinctively sought subsequently by women, who, without suspecting the existent crusade, are conscious of a sympathetic chord in the homogenic which they miss in the normal homo."
Edward Carpenter, The Intermediate Sex: A Study Of Some Transitional Types Of Men And Women

"We demand to get you to stop thinking of me as a friend, and commencement thinking of me as that incredibly hot mechanic you lot're sleeping with."
"You are a friend, why do nosotros need to practise that?"
"Because you lot're stiff as a lath and not in the mode I desire you to be."
Elle Parker, Like Coffee and Doughnuts

"And then he was queer, East.M. Forster. Information technology wasn't his middle name (that would be 'Morgan'), but it was his orientation, his romping pleasure, his half-secret, his romantic passion. In the long-suppressed novel Maurice the title character blurts out his truth, 'I'm an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort.' Information technology must have felt that mode when Forster came of sexual age in the final years of the 19th century: seriously risky and dangerously blurt-able. The public weep had defenseless Wilde, exposed and arrested him, cleaved him in prison. He was one face of anxiety to Forster; his mother was some other. As long equally she lived (and they lived together until she died, when he was 66), he couldn't allow her know."
Michael Levenson

Sarah Madison
"You know," Flynn said, pausing to look over the skirt of the glasses at him, "when you showtime shouting „soundproof booth!‟ I tin pretty much tell y'all‟re thinking about me."
"As long as the „what‟ remains a mystery, I‟ll die a happy homo," Jerry said."
Sarah Madison, Unspeakable Words

B.A. Tortuga
"He defenseless Ben's come in the napkin, the odour making his oral fissure water harder than any republic of chile sauce could."
BA Tortuga, Collars and Cuffs

"Lean Liberty is Better than Fatty Slavery "

Richard von Krafft-Ebing
"How deep congenital sex-inversion roots may exist gathered from the fact that the pleasure-dream of the male Urning has to do with male persons, and of the female with females."
Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Psychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-Legal Written report

"The man's rima oris fell open in shock and hurt. He slowly shook his head. "Then the stories are true. Yous really are a deviling! You lot smug bastard. You need someone to throw you over a human knee --!"
"How cartel y'all!" Mycaela snarled. He lifted his hand to strike the human and couldn't believe it when the juggler caught his wrist, holding it aloft. They glared at each other, and Mycaela felt small, like a twig caught in the branches of a tree. But now he was forced to really await at the juggler, whose dark-brown muscular chest was in his face, and he grew distracted. The man was wearing nothing except a pair of very colorful, very tight leggings. They clung to his burl and his buttocks, and he was built like a stallion, lean and taunt and powerful. Mycaela chip his lip, willing himself not to awaken and silently cursing himself for smoking a drug that was sometimes used as an aphrodisiac."
Ash Gray, Tales of Talithia

Andrew Grant Jackson
"In an era when gay men like Beatles' manager Brian Epstein paid a fortune in blackmail to hustlers to keep their secrets prophylactic, Andy Warhol took everything he was told to keep hidden and threw it right dorsum in society'due south face."
Andrew Grant Jackson, 1965: The Most Revolutionary Yr in Music

Gianni Holmes
"But at that moment, in my brokenness, Beau picked upwardly every unmarried piece of my shattered eye, and he made me whole once again. Right so, I knew true honey. Not the kind born out of allegiance of family ties, but that which was a complete meeting of minds, and the understanding that though separate individuals, ties leap united states, covering a multitude of differences."
Gianni Holmes, Like shooting fish in a barrel Does It Twice

Michael Hunter McVay
"While anyone tin smear shit on a sail, it really must stink to sell!"
Michael Hunter McVay

"Honey, gay men don't have kids," ane huffed at me. "Are you out of your *listen*?"

They dismissed me--and the lives of so many men in the Southward who had complicated lives. Who didn't have the luxury of living out of the closet safely. Who were pressured as teens to take sex to prove their manliness, in areas where the teenage pregnancy rate was astronomical. Or who didn't fit into the pigeonholes of ay or straight. No, *I* was the crazy one not worth listening to. What did I know about the lives of gay men?"
Ruth Coker Burks, All the Immature Men

"Imagining the gods could hear him, Mycaela murmured to the well, "I wish I could notice a human who'd accept me away forever." He laughed softly. "But there are no stories nearly princes who wish for princes."
ash gray, Tales of Talithia

N.J. Lysk
"I'm gay, mate," he told him when Sergi couldn't help but ask. "I got over all my hang-ups like a decade ago."

"Doesn't mean you want people to catch yous at it!"

Iesu raised an countenance at him. "We are in the centre of nowhere and the only people who live here are werewolves with both superhearing and supernoses; only reason to catch us is if they want a free testify."
N.J. Lysk, Simpler than Most

Peter Orlovsky
"শামুক কবিতা
আমার কবরকে হৃদয়ের আকারের কোরো যাতে ফুলের মতন স্বাধীন হয়
আর সুন্দরের অনুভূতি পাওয়া যায়
কবরের শিকড় বালিশ, কবর থেকে তোলা আর উড়িয়ে দেয়া মেঘের ফাঁকে
কান বদলে হয়ে যাবে সবুজ শ্যাওলার কাছাকাছি আর বৃষ্টির শব্দ
ফোঁটা ফোঁটা পড়বে পরতের ভেতর
শিকড় পর্যন্ত যা আমার কানে সুড়সুড়ি দেবে।
ওহে কবর, আমার পায়ের বুড়ো আঙুল কেটে ফেলতে হবে তার
শব্দের বাঁকা রেখায় ঘষে দিও
জঞ্জাল কবর, আমার মাধার অনেক ওপরে, তাড়াতাড়ি রক্ত গড়িয়ে আসবে
আমার কানে--
কোনো বাদবিচার নেই কবর ছাড়া, তাই বিড়াল আর ভেড়া ডেইজি
ফুলে পালটে গেছে ।
ট্রেন আমার কবর টেনে নিয়ে যাবে, আমার শ্বাস থেকে মৃদু বাষ্পের গন্ধ
বেরোবে চাকা আর রেল-লাইনের মাঝে।
তাই বিড়াল-বাচ্চার দড়ি আর বল, এই ঢিবির ওপর লাফায়
আলতো আর মিষ্টি
তাই আমার বুড়ো আঙুল বেঁকে যেতে পারে আর হয়ে যেতে পারে
একটা শামুক আর কৌতূহলে নিজের পথে যেতে পারে"
Peter Orlovsky, Make clean Asshole Poems and Smiling Vegetable Songs

"Het kon toch niet zo zijn dat, de allereerste keer dat ik een soort homocontact in het openbaar had, meteen iemand afkeurend naar mij stond te kijken?
'Wen er maar aan,' zei Sven."
Thomas van der Meer, Welkom bij de society

Oscar Wilde
"I don't regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure. I did information technology to the full, as one should do everything that one does. In that location was no pleasure I did not feel. I threw the pearl of my soul into a loving cup of vino. I went down the primrose path to the sound of flutes. I lived on honeycomb."
Oscar Wilde, De Profundis

C.S.R. Calloway
"It's possible to be a part of and apart from communities. Information technology's easiest to understand this in relation to white gay men. They take an unattainable—and unwanted—perception of the world around them due to their particularly calibrated combination of oppression and privilege that makes empathizing with the things they claim as "civilization"—Lana Del Rey, Ryan Murphy shows, swearing they have an "inner Black adult female"—nearly impossible."
C.S.R. Calloway, Pretty Dudes: The Novel

Peter  Fenton
"But even just out there in the globe, people – they- they stare. They look at two guys, when they hold easily. Or when they kiss. Gay guys are all – big and they're loud. And artsy and – I don't desire any of that. I want a normal life that I built on my own. Not because of my dad. Not because of my .. heart. I only desire to be left alone. (Wipes a tear away.) I wish there was a way to exist with a guy, just... be straight."
Peter Fenton, Abandon All Promise

Mary Renault
"Hephaistion was thinking how fragile his rib cage seemed, how terrible were the warring desires to cherish and to crush it."
Mary Renault, Fire from Sky

Edward Docx
"Through forty years of impatience, Nicholas withal could not make up his mind which was more annoying, the guile of straight women or the wiles of gay men."
Edward Docx, Pravda

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